Most Beautiful European Cities

I’m keeping this for cities. I have come across too many pretty little towns to mention: But here is one: Rothenburg au Tauber, Germany. (This list is my Top 10, but honestly the rankings don’t matter)

1)  Venice, Italy:  No surprise here. The city is completely enchanting despite the crowds, kitsch, and heat. Didn’t do the gondolas, but lived on the vaporetti which take you everywhere and give you wonderful views from the canals. Lido was a lovely place to stay at with a nice beach, Murano is the glass-blowing quieter Mini-Venice, Giudecca felt real, was a great place to get chichetti, and had great views of the main part of Venice across the canal (& its crowds), and Burano was quietly laid back and brightly colored. It’s just… Venice. Enough said.

2)  Prague, Czech Republic:  An absolute jewel box of a city. Stunning architecture, hills, castle, a river, and the surreal Charles Bridge. Everything a storybook city should look like.

3)  Bruges, Belgium:  A Gothic Dreamland. Lovely unspoiled architecture (except for the unfortunately modern music hall), set amongst lovely canals, and a romantic lake full of swans. A Gothic Venice of the North.

4)  Dubrovnik, Croatia:  Lovely city along the very blue Adriatic Sea. Set in front of a mountain, from which it looks like a lovely Lego set. You can get great views of the city and the sea from the fortifications that encircle the city. The main street is made of marble. It’s no wonder Game of Thrones chose this city as a setting. (Trogir, Croatia would be on that small town list for similar reasons)

5)  Heidelberg, Germany:  Youthful city that was the largest one untouched by Allied bombs in WWII. Supposedly longest pedestrian street in Europe (I believe it). Beautiful intact architecture in a lovely natural setting with a castle ruin overlooking the city.

6) Stockholm, Sweden:  Stunning city set among many islets. The old town is one of the best preserved in Europe. Absolutely exquisite architecture, maritime setting, and great food, but not a very lively city. Enchanting at night.

7) Lisbon, Portugal:  Very attractive and lively Mediterranean style city near the Atlantic edge of Europe. White marble-tiled sidewalks and red roofs, along with a Golden Gate Bridge lookalike and many hills and streetcars makes it appear like an Iberian San Francisco.

8) Barcelona, Spain:  Where the sea meets Gothic and modern architecture. Large Gothic Quarter and beautiful Cathedral is overshadowed by 19th Century urban planning at its best and quirky Gaudi architecture which gives the city a whimsical feel. Gaudi or Gaudy?, you decide. The two “mountains” Montjuic & Tibidabo allow for great views.

9) Paris, France:  Is the romantic beauty of this city overstated? Maybe. But maybe not. The streetscapes are lovely, strolling is a joy, and the monumental buildings and structures are works of art themselves.

10)  Edinburgh, Scotland: Mystically beautiful city where the medieval “Old Town” is perfectly complimented by the Georgian “New Town”. An extinct volcano as a backdrop and picturesque castles anchoring the center bestow the city its mystic vibe.

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